Intern at Emerson
Bachelor of Business Analytics at Far Eastern University
4.30 AM
As a heavy sleeper, getting out of bed in the morning is the toughest thing for me to do. Since I have trouble getting out of bed, I usually give myself a pass for how I spend my time. As soon as I open my eyes, I make sure to check my emails, news, and notifications, and of course, take my time in getting ready. Living alone in a condo means that I never get breakfast or dinner ready on time, but before I go to work, I always pack my fruits and yogurt and make sure I'm drinking enough water.
6.30 AM
Before I leave, I do a quick check-up on the work materials that I need for that day. I always prepare my stuff the night before, as I am a busy person who juggles classes and work. By this time, I usually leave the condo to arrive early for work. I always call my best friends Angkas, Move It, and Joyride to give me a lift to work.
Some background: I lived and was raised in the province, so commuting around the area gives me a hard time.
6.50 AM
I usually arrive at this time in Emerson. Having a time allowance means I can still prepare myself and the stuff that I need to use for the day. Before I start my shift, I use the bathroom to fix myself and peep myself up. Multiple studies show that pepping yourself up before doing something boosts your self-confidence and gives you empowerment in your mindset on how you’ll take on different problems. I also grab my morning booster, which is Hot Choco. I don’t drink coffee because caffeine gives me a different kick. As I start my shift, I usually reserve my favourite workstation and do an update on my account.
7.00 AM
As my clock starts, the first thing I always do is check my email for the tasks that I need to do. In addition, I updated my checklist based on priority. Having a checklist makes it easier to keep track of my work and school activities. It consequently helps me become more accountable and focused.
To share my work, I am an intern at Platform I.T., and having to explore new software is a big adjustment for me since I've never utilized the tools that the company uses. Although I have some background on codes and how they are used, these are still all new to me. I took the effort to research and study how I would execute the programs that are usually used.
9.00 AM
By this time, I always make sure to take little pauses to avoid burnout. As I haven’t eaten anything yet, I bring out my yogurt and fruits to get some nutrition. As a former dancer, I became used to eating light foods for breakfast. I also became more conscious of maintaining my health and body form.
12.00 PM
This is when I often take my lunch breaks because fewer people are in the cafeteria. As the only intern in our department, I take my lunch in solitude. Although I used to spend lunch breaks with other interns from our department, their internships had already ended. I normally buy my lunch at the cafeteria, depending on how busy I am with work, but occasionally I go for walks outside to find other healthy food options. Spending time with oneself helps you learn more about yourself, so being alone doesn't necessarily have to imply being lonely.
12.50 PM
As I head back to my workstation, I make sure that I fix myself up before going back. During this period, I go through my to-do list to make sure everything is finished or almost finished, and then, I prepare myself for my daily meetings with my mentors, which start at 3:30 pm.
3.30 PM
During this time, I’ll be meeting with my mentors. I gave them updates on my tasks and asked for advice and guidance on how I should be doing with my tasks.
4.00 PM
After the meeting, I got ready and made sure everything was in order before leaving for school. I called my best friend, Angkas to give me a lift going to school. Having them around is very convenient for me, as I travel faster, skipping rush hour and congested roads. I also bid goodbye to my favourite cat, Yakult.
4.40 PM
I arrived 20 minutes earlier for my 5:00 p.m. class. I met some of my friends during this time and finished preparing the materials for class.
9.00 PM
As the class ends, I spend dinner with my partner and hang out with my friends. As an ambivert, keeping up my social life is essential for me. I stay on course and share updates on my life with them. Since I must get ready for work tomorrow, I normally spend only an hour or two with them.
10.00 PM
When I got home, I went straight to the bathroom to freshen up and did some skincare. Taking good care of your skin makes you glow brighter and lessens the stress that builds up during the day. In the future, maintaining your skin will make you look younger.
Having a productive and positive day fuels my passion and enjoyment.
That’s it for today, everyone. Ciao!
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