Implementation Business Analyst at Equus Software
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic) (Honours) at Technological University of the Philippines
11.00 AM
My Alarm blasts off to wake me up and get ready for work, unfortunately, I am still too sleepy, so I hit snooze and go back to sleep.
11.20 AM
My battle with my Alarm would continue several times but eventually, it will be triumphant and would push me off the bed to get ready for work.
11.30 AM
After freshening up and fixing my bed I will then prepare for my journey to the office, which is literally 5 meters away from my bedroom. This is one of the biggest advantages of working from home, no need to dress up!
11.40 AM
After the gruesome commute to my office, I will then proceed to tidy up my workplace. You know what they say, “A clean workplace gives a clear headspace”. Okay nobody says that I just came up with that.
12.00 NN
Start of the morning meeting with the team to discuss any announcements and whereabouts of the company. We also discuss here some hardships and problems encountered by each member if they have any and the whole team would pitch in to help solve the given problems. Sometimes it’s also allotted for just chatting with each other and what’s going on with our lives.
12.30 PM
After the morning meeting, I would then proceed to read my emails. These emails contain tasks, meeting schedules, company announcements, emails from clients and many more. From these emails I would plan my day ahead and will organize which tasks are the top priority down to the least priority, I will also check my schedule to know what my upcoming meetings are and what I need to prepare before those meetings.
12.45 PM
During the planning session that’s going on in my head, I would prepare my morning tea, technically it's an afternoon tea since it is already after noon but this is my story, and some light snack from the office pantry A.K.A. my kitchen which is almost the same distance from my workplace as my room.
1.00 PM
Now the real work starts. As an Implementation Business Analyst in Equus, a huge chunk of my day would consist of configuring the client’s site according to the requirements me and my team have gathered from the client.
This would range from simple settings setup up to audit reports generation and to complex calculation configuration.
1.05 PM
To do those tasks effectively I need something to boost my energy so I fire up my Spotify playlist which consist of rock and alternative rock songs.
1.10 PM
I will then stop pretending that these rock songs are boosting my energy and proceed to my actual jam: KPOP, specifically TWICE.
Okay let’s face it, their songs are relaxing plus you don’t understand the lyrics so you can’t sing along so you can still work with a clear headspace and pump-up energy.
1.15 PM
After picking my playlist I would then proceed to the actual work.
Top priority of all the tasks would be the Calculations.
Complex Calculations take quite a lot of time to configure. To build them you would need an extensive knowledge in SQL codes and Excel spreadsheet analysis to digest their data and proceed to conceptualize what formula would be the most efficient to get the desired result. After creating the calculation, I would then proceed to QA it and test it with different inputs to see if I would still get the desired outputs.
4.20 PM
After a long stressful streak of configuration I’d like to take a few minutes break in the office veranda A.K.A. my apartment’s terrace. I utilize this time to calm my mind and rethink my tasks for the remainder of my day. I also like to prepare some snacks and my afternoon tea to help me relax more, this time it really is an afternoon tea.
4.30 PM
Afternoon meeting with the London Team, well afternoon for me and morning for them, to discuss the focus of the project phase and check on the progress of each member’s task. We also discussed what would be the priority tasks to focus on for the whole week and the division of labor amongst each member.
5.30 PM
I will resume the tasks that I lined up for today and the next priority after calculations would be audit reports and settings configuration for the client’s Assignment Pro site. This is less stressful compared to configuring a calculation so I am more relaxed here and most of the time I will join our Manila Office Room whilst doing this task.
The Manila office room is a Zoom meeting room setup for us to chat with other colleagues to catch up or chat about what’s going on in our day or lives. It’s not a formal meeting schedule and people can join in and out whenever they want. Its main purpose is to mimic the normal office setup where people can socialize, this greatly helps the mental health condition of each other especially since we are on a work-from-home setup and each of us gets minimal social interaction with each other.
7.00 PM
I will take my dinner break and cook some delicious meal to reward myself for all the hard work I did today, which is what I would say if I’m not feeling lazy. Most of the time I will buy delivery foods from malls or small establishments just to mix it up and not have a routine meal every day.
8.00 PM
After my dinner break, I will attend a client meeting to discuss the requirements and the current project status with them. Most of the time this meeting is also used to clarify some of the requirements that were not very clear or not feasible to be configured and present them with alternatives. We also demo or present to them some of the latest configurations in their site for them to visualize what we have been up to and for them to appreciate that their site is little by little being configured to what they envision it would be.
9.00 PM
My shift ends at 9 pm so I will start to recheck my emails and schedule if I may have missed something and bid my goodbyes to my teammates and let them know that I will be signing off. That concludes my workday, but my actual day is yet to be over.
9.30 PM
After work, I always tidy up my apartment because I hate seeing it so disorganized. I wash the dishes, take out the trash, sweep the floor, put all my office clutters into place and then a shower to refresh myself.
10.00 PM
Now it’s time for my other workplace, after a long workday and playing video games all night long with friends. My main objective is to have fun and destress myself and of course to win, but mostly the having fun and destressing part.
1.00 AM
Finally, it’s time for bed, and by that I mean Netflix and social media in bed before actually sleeping. Just the right amount of time for me to doze off and relax my mind so that I would be ready for another workday tomorrow or later that day since it's already past 12 MN.