Assurance Sector Leader at PwC Acceleration Center Manila
Bachelor of Accounting at Far Eastern University
6.30 AM
It’s Friday and I am waking up to a new day! This is my usual wake-up time as I need to wake up early before my boys do. Starting the day with some house chores - a great way to condition myself for the busy day ahead.
7.30 AM
Time for the most important meal of the day - breakfast! A cup of coffee, a serving of pastries and I am all set up for a great day ahead. I always make sure to take my vitamins. Health is wealth, people!
8.00 AM
My kids - Blake and Ben love to swim in the morning. How we love the cool water and the fine weather! What a great way to enjoy the present with my family.
9.15 AM
My “me-time”. An hour of boxing session with my coach! This reduces my stress and anxiety. As a bonus, I also get to spend quality time with my husband who loves boxing, too. Working on my speed though. Tiring yet a fun and refreshing activity!
11.00 AM
My work shift regularly starts at 11:00 AM to align my schedule with our US clients. To start off, I check my team’s availability and unplanned leaves, if any, and then work on other administrative processes. I also read through the emails I received the other day after work hours. I don’t want to miss any details of client engagements. Always think of quality service, right?
12.00 PM
Lunchtime! I appreciate that I can enjoy a quick lunch and still have some time with the kids. My husband and I would play with Blake and Ben while waiting for their babysitter.
1.00 PM
Back to work! Checking off a few emails, asking the team for updates, and going through all available reviews for the day.
1.30 PM
I received several assigned reviews today. I better check with the team on the status of each task and see if they need additional coaching. In our team, it is important to support one another every day, especially during busy times.
2.30 PM
Daily check-ins where the Assurance leaders across the Center meet, track, and discuss our progress and action items. This 30-minute session is filled with ideas bouncing around from one leader to another.
3.00 PM
Another important meeting to attend - Team Lead’s weekly meeting. We generally discuss our workload management and our team's capacity for the week. We would also identify any outliers or those with either extremely high or low staff utilization. The team leads would also discuss any issues or concerns from their respective team. Great catch-up with you, leaders!
4.00 PM
Coffee break! This is my recharge time in the afternoon. I leverage this time to connect with my teammates and attend to and respond to their questions. A quick time to breathe and relax - essential for wellness. Recharging done! Gotta run to my next meeting.
4.30 PM
User Acceptance testing for the Smart Audit Platform. Happy to be part of the team pre-testing this great digital asset which automates Financial Statements review procedures. It includes mathematical accuracy check, prior year tie out and internal consistency check. It’s amazing to be part of a firm that invests in digital upskilling. Grateful to be part of PwC!
6.00 PM
Time for the team huddle - our bi-weekly meeting that helps us discuss any issues, including any challenging requests from engagement team members and possible workarounds. We also initiate bi-monthly socials or mini-fun activities that bring us closer together and help us be more comfortable with each other, even if we’re apart.
7.00 PM
It’s Friday night! Enjoying a hearty dinner and playing with the kiddos before they go to bed. Just a few tasks to complete. Looking forward to the weekend!
9.00 PM
Kick-off call with one of our engagement teams to start our FY22 planning. Loving the collaboration and discussion on how the Acceleration Center Remote Team members will be involved in this year’s audit. I’m looking forward to a more fruitful working relationship with the team.
10.00 PM
Shhh! My kids are asleep! I should go to bed too, although I’ll probably be browsing on my phone, and checking social media for a good half hour before I sleep. Getting drowsy now. Good night!