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University of Santo Tomas Career Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
I enjoy working with world-class technology and innovative people to develop the best defence capabilities. I am proud to help support the men and women who are serving to protect our nation and its interests. 

Emily Ostler

  • Graduate stories
I love the process of starting with lots of disparate, muddy information about a situation and synthesising until I have an insight that brings the situation into focus.

Ethan Barden

  • Graduate stories
I love coming to work every day and working on things that are challenging and exciting. Working in public law means that the work you do matters, and I am so glad that I get to serve the public interest.

Gabriella Imperial

  • Graduate stories
The aspect of my job I love the most is the teamwork it involves. Each matter often requires input from various practice groups, meaning you are always working with and learning from different people.

Gabriella Lim

  • Graduate stories
Knowing that I’m literally working towards (albeit in very small steps) making the world a better place, and working alongside like-minded colleagues makes for a rewarding job.

George Pass

  • Day in the life

Gretel Fleeting

As a team, we like to take 5 minutes to stand up and move around. This can include anything from a light stretch to a push-up challenge … whatever you feel like doing, fitting in 5 minutes is a great way to take a break from the screen and get the blood flowing.
  • Graduate stories
Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to know what you want to do once you finish university. Take time to travel – reflect, reset, and experience new things. I believe if you are passionate about sustainability and the environment the best thing to do is to enroll in an environment-related university degree.

Gretel Fleeting

  • Day in the life

Hari Lodwick

Hari Lodwick graduated with a Bachelor of Law and a Master of Asia and the Pacific (Honours), and is now a Senior Intake and Review Officer at ACT Public Service.