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Doxa Videos

Stories of Greatness: Arif Hazara

Arif Hazara is 21 years old. Arif is many things - a Doxa Cadet, a mentor, a volunteer, an advocate for refugees and asylum seekers and a delegate at the UNHCR negotiations with NGOs in Geneva 2016 – and his story is a story of achieving true greatness.

Being A Mentor: Uncovering Personal Greatness

Our Cadetship program provides high quality skilled volunteering opportunities for staff at sponsor companies, uncovering personal greatness in young people and mentors alike as Louise Garrick from JBWere explains from her experience mentoring Doxa Cadet Ewe-Jin Tan. 

A Place To Belong: Carly Mohamed

Carly Mohamed is 19 year old from rural Victoria. Through our Cadetship program and her placement at PwC Indigenous Consulting she has found that the corporate world can be a place to belong.